Are the ferry to Samsø on schedule?

Traffic Information

Update on the reinstatement of the ferry on the Sælvig-Hou route.

As promised, we have a new status update on the preparation of Princess Isabella. Today, we have received formal approval of the ship from the Danish Maritime Authority, and the last visor bearings will be replaced tonight, but unfortunately we will not be able to test the functionality of the visor until tomorrow morning. This means that we are still working according to the schedule we have previously stated, but that we cannot give a completely certain announcement about whether Princess Isabella will be re-deployed on Saturday, until tomorrow, Friday, February 7, at 11:00.

If everything goes according to plan, we will open for booking the extra seats on Friday at 13:00.

We know that many are eagerly waiting for a final clarification, and we thank you for your patience.

Kind regards Samsø Rederi

We always give notice

We will let your know as soon as we know something....

We send out traffic information if we deviate from schedule for more than 15 minutes.

We put a virtue in letting our customers know what is going on. So you can be sure that if it says that we are on schedule, we are.

As soon as we know we are going to be delayed or something else, we will let you know as soon as possible.

Broadcasting traffic information is not just about updating the information on this page. We also send text messages via our text message service. Just as we have to deal with a delay or cancellation by closing departures in our system, possibly moving customers to new departures, calling hauliers who need to move their trucks to new departures and much more.

We are therefore always very busy when we experience delays or cancellations. Therefore, we encourage you to follow along on this page and not call or write to us, as we have nothing more to say than you can read here.

Thank you for your understanding.