Are the ferry to Samsø on schedule?

Traffic Information

Dear Samsinger and customers at Samsø Rederi

Samsø Rederi has this morning received bad news from the shipyard in Frederikshavn. During a routine inspection in connection with Isabella’s 10-year service/class approval, it was unexpectedly found that the bearings in the hinges for the ferry’s two visors (visors = the front sections that are lifted when cars move on and off) were defective. This means that the ferry cannot be reinstated until the hinge bearings have been replaced. The replacement of the hinge bearings is an extensive operation, with the biggest challenge being to remove the visors at both ends with mobile cranes so that the shipyard can access the bearings. In addition, we must obtain the custom-made bearings from a supplier – a process that is already underway throughout Europe. Unfortunately, many suppliers are closed at the weekend, which prolongs the search for the necessary spare parts. With the information we have today, we expect Isabella to be back in operation on Monday at the earliest. February 10. We are doing everything we can with all available resources to get her back on track as soon as possible. Until then, sailing continues with Ane Læsø, which unfortunately entails certain limitations and inconveniences. Important information for our customers

All bookings on Princess Isabella during the affected period will be canceled and refunded. Due to the reduced capacity, all passengers must therefore book a new ticket when the sailing schedule for Ane Læsø is determined. Samsing must continue to be booked next week, as we expect continued high demand on the available departures. Our booking department is working hard to plan the sailing with Ane Læsø. The plan is expected to follow the sailing plan we have used for the past two weeks. However, Ane Læsø requires more manning than Isabella, which may mean that the manning situation will be a challenge to maintain the current sailing schedule. We know that this information may give rise to questions, therefore you should expect a longer response time than usual by phone and email. We will keep you updated on our website and Facebook as soon as there is new information. Kind regards Samsø Shipping Company

We always give notice

We will let your know as soon as we know something....

We send out traffic information if we deviate from schedule for more than 15 minutes.

We put a virtue in letting our customers know what is going on. So you can be sure that if it says that we are on schedule, we are.

As soon as we know we are going to be delayed or something else, we will let you know as soon as possible.

Broadcasting traffic information is not just about updating the information on this page. We also send text messages via our text message service. Just as we have to deal with a delay or cancellation by closing departures in our system, possibly moving customers to new departures, calling hauliers who need to move their trucks to new departures and much more.

We are therefore always very busy when we experience delays or cancellations. Therefore, we encourage you to follow along on this page and not call or write to us, as we have nothing more to say than you can read here.

Thank you for your understanding.